Stimmies Virtual Vote: Capitaine

Today’s finalist for the 2020 Stimmie Awards: “Capitaine” from Johann Vorster.

From the filmmaker: Imagine a fish so big that some call it the elephant of the river. Imagine it inhabited the waters of 1/4 of the African continent in vast numbers. Now imagine, that largely unseen to the developed world, a wave of humanity has reduced all the rivers and surrounding landscapes to skeletal remains.

But, right in the middle of it all, there’s a wilderness that has beaten the odds, a haven that is a window into the past of how all of Western Africa’s savannas once were. Journey with a group of fly fishermen to this very special oasis to witness an explosion of life, where the end-goal is to help protect it all through fly fishing tourism.

As one of the finalists in the Stimmies Virtual Vote, “Capitaine” is now open to public voting. You can cast your ballot for this film over at the International Fly Fishing Film Festival website.

Be sure to check out all of the finalists before submitting your vote. There are some great films ready to be seen!