Official Selections

Official Tour Sizzle

We live in a trout centric universe. Trout are the enormous celestial body around which every other fish swims. There’s no argument about the role that trout play in fly fishing, but why? Why trout? Why not tarpon, or bluegill, or redfish, or smallmouth? Why do trout, of all the possible fish out there, rule over fly fishing? Fly Fusion’s Trout Tour attempts to answer that question. Join Fly Fusion and friends for a couple hours of larger-than-life dry fly slurps, aerial cartwheels, streamer swipes, and colorful adipose nubs. Treat yourself to a great night of films from some of the world’s best fly-fishing filmmakers. Get your tickets!

Official Selection: Far and Near

As fly anglers we are explorers. Fish are only one element of the adventure, and thank goodness because fish don’t always cooperate. The fish aren’t  something we can predict, but as we plan for trips, as we dream about the experience, we can only imagine how it’s going to turn out. We travel anyways, both far and near, with hopes of adventure. Only at Fly Fusion’s Trout Tour in 2024! Filmmakers: Gilbert Rowley and Phil Tuttle.

Official Selection: Dawson

Most of us have fantasized of a four-legged companion joining us on all of our fishing adventures. Charles Meier has been in love with fly fishing for as long as he can remember, and he is almost always with his partner in crime, Dawson. Experience the beautiful waters and landscapes of Montana as we explore themes of friendship, loyalty, and companionship within this uplifting short story. Only at Fly Fusion’s Trout Tour in 2024! Filmmakers: The Braker Bros.

Official Selection: Trout Lessons

Join a group of anglers, including Editors Kirk Deeter and Derek Bird, along with Paula Shearer and others as they explore the streams of the famed American west. A film about adventure, of learning and discovery, along the banks of some of North America’s most iconic trout rivers. Only at Fly Fusion’s Trout Tour in 2024! Filmmaker: Beattie Outdoor Productions and Fly Fusion Films.

Official Selection: Focus

An inspirational fly-fishing film about an adventurous couple, Faceless Fly Fishing, pursuing their passion, which leads them on a memorable adventure under a smoke soaked prairie skyline in search of the perfect image of oversized dry-fly sipping rainbows. For those who’ve never had a trout rise to a dry, a fish might just be a cold-blooded creature with fins and spots, but to you and I they’re the objects of our memories, of our pictures, of our attention. They’re why, as we leave the river, we’re already dreaming about the next trip. Only at Fly Fusion’s Trout Tour in 2024! Filmmaker: Fly Fusion Films.

Official Selection: Spring Creek Symphony

In “Spring Creek Symphony” Todd Moen provides a special look into a place that many only dream about. Moen’s work allows viewers to virtually experience the allure and complexity of Montana’s spring creek waters. Beginning his filming career nearly three decades ago on the Gallatin, Yellowstone, Lamar and Madison rivers, Montana holds special value in his life’s work. This connection to his home state includes a mastery of capturing the unique qualities of Montana’s spring creeks. “Spring Creek Symphony” highlights a fun twist with Moen’s classic filming style and story telling. Only at Fly Fusion’s Trout Tour in 2024! Filmmaker: Todd Moen.

Official Selection: The Road Home

A collaboration with Phil Tuttle and Gilbert Rowley results in one of the most remarkable films from the Fly Fusion vault. The Road Home is a journey along a secluded Rocky Mountain stream filled with feisty cutthroat and large bull trout lurking deep under logjams. A grand cinematic experience intimately revealing the sights and sounds of a river alive with trout feasting on green drakes. The Road Home is a fusion of awe-inspiring cinematography and tantalizing dry-fly takes. Only at Fly Fusion’s Trout Tour in 2024! Filmmakers: Fly Fusion Films, Phil Tuttle and Gilbert Rowley.

Official Selection: Finding Water

For most of us, even though fishing in the winter can be fantastic, the number of times we get out decreases significantly. However, our anticipation for spring increases, especially with the longer winters. We dream of spring when the ice melts, rivers run clear and willing trout are, once again, willing and eager to eat our dry flies. However, winter doesn’t always give way to spring willingly and finding water can be a challenge. Only at Fly Fusion’s Trout Tour in 2024! Filmmakers: Gilbert Rowley and Phil Tuttle.